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Duration - 6 months Time: 9am-4:30pm Weekend or weekday course options available. Small in-class learning - max 6 students (and online Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology, FHT Approved) Cost - Early Bird Price of £660.00 until 8th January 2024. Full Price £860 (instalment options available) includes exam fees Accreditation - FHT (Federation of Holistic Therapists) accredited This course content follows the National Occupational Standards (NOS) and the Core Curriculum (CC) for Reflexology. Assessments/Exams: There are ongoing assessments in class and case studies. Final written and practical exams on the theory and practice of Massage assessed by an external FHT assessor. Online Anatomy and Physiology ongoing assessments and final theory exam. Course Materials - all course materials are provided, including a hard copy manual, extra hand outs, couches, towels, oils. What you need to bring to class - therapist tunic/uniform or comfortable clothing, lunch and a willingness to learn!
Prerequisites - None , but you must be aged 18 or over
More more information visit: https://www.airmidtherapies.com/airmid-academy/holistic-body-massage-level-3
Kinetic Chain Release (KCR) is a total-body treatment of medically and scientifically approved gentle mobilisations and stretches developed by Scottish Physiotherapist Hugh Gilbert.
Massage therapy is an ancient form of healing, used for thousands of years. Holistic massage combines a therapeutic and nurturing process of touch and response with each treatment adapted to the client's unique needs, physical characteristics and personality. For more information on Massage as a treatment.