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Venue: Maitri Studio, 4 The Mount, Belfast
Contact: Claire Ferry
+44 (0) 28 9099 2428
Sat 22nd February 2025
Sat 22nd February 2025
Eileen Cameron holds the Senior Level 3 teacher and has been a student of Iyengar yoga since the mid 90s (for over 25 years). She qualified as a teacher in 2000 and is now one of Ireland's most senior Iyengar Teachers. She has studied with the Iyengar family in Pune several times and with many internationally renowned teachers. Iyengar Yoga has sustained her throughout this time and she continues to study and practice this wonderful art. Eileen was the driving force behind the establishment of, and is a founder member of, the Dublin Iyengar Yoga Institute. She is a mentor and assessor for new and progressing Iyengar teachers.
These workshops are aimed at regular Iyengar and other yoga practitioners familiar with the Iyengar method and the use of props. You should have 1yr+ experience. It is especially suitable for existing Iyengar yoga teachers, trainees and long term students wishing to deepen their understanding and practice.
We're splitting this workshop between Maitri Studio (Saturday) and Jayne's studio in Galgorm. There are both single day and whole-weekend places available. Both days are 10am-12.30pm and 1.30-4pm.
We will take a lunch break - on Sunday Jayne provides a small veggie lunch but at Maitri you will need to bring a light snack if you need it. Claire will bring home-made cake* and tea/coffee will be available!
Limited morning/afternoon places may be available nearer the time depending on uptake but last year this event sold out. Contact Claire at Maitri Studio on info@maitristudio.net if you have any questions.
*I forgot last year - someone please remind me ;)