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Venue: Maitri Studio, 4 The Mount, Belfast
Contact: Julie Preston
07774 000787
Sun 12th January 2025
Come and experience the healing, centering and joyful effects of Kirtan chanting. Chanting is just another form of yoga to help us connect in a more loving peaceful way to ourselves and others using sound. Julie and Victor will lead you in a musical and vocal journey through sacred sounds and mantras, in the form of Kirtan (meaning ‘to sing’) - chanting via call and response.
If you're new to chanting, just love music or a good singalong, we'd love to welcome you. This is an exploration of the heart, independent of vocal skill, musical technique or experience. Like singing, chanting can be energizing, yet calming at the same time. Its great fun and it gets us out of our busy heads and into our hearts.
Chanting involves repeating sacred ancient mantras (mantra literally means mind tool / to liberate /free the mind) that help quiet the mind whilst experiencing the joy of opening and connecting to the heart, soothing the nervous system, and inducing a feeling of meditation and bliss.
The benefits of chanting can include:
Chanting is open to everyone.
**Online booking price closes 7pm the day before the event. After that, on the door price increases to £25 - exact cash/PayPal only on the door** - book through Julie's website.
**Save up to £30 with a TRIPLE PASS for Jan, Feb, Mar** Maitri Kirtans are the 2nd Sunday each month Jan-June
It's useful to bring a bottle of water. We appreciate you arriving 6.50pm so we can start promptly.
Read more about kirtan, all forthcoming dates and Julie and Vic on their profile page here.