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Venue: Maitri Studio, 4 The Mount, Belfast
Contact: Claire Ferry
+44 (0)28 9099 2428
Wed 25th June 2025
Claire is offering these 3hr workshop style classes on a Wednesday morning to interleave with Aisling Guirke's workshops, so that there's roughly fortnightly practice. These are for teachers, trainees and long standing practitioners and we'll explore the Iyengar level 2 and level 3 syllabus of asanas and pranayama and ideas for adjustment and use of props in our own practice and for teaching. Teachers and long-standing students from other yoga backgrounds welcome.
(Claire is teaching a residential weekend retreat in May so won't include a date that month)
Book using the "Iyengar Yoga workshop with Claire" pass through our usual booking portal, £30 (£20 conc).