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Contact: Susan Nicholson
25 Drumnagreagh Rd, Larne, BT40 2RP
I can help you to create manageable changes to diet & lifestyle which improve how you and your whole family feel each day.
With a service tailored specifically to your personal, family or activity-dependent requirements, my advice will aim to improve overall health, increase energy levels, improve performance and reduce stress & strain.
I offer a full range of Nutritional & HypnoBirthing techniques to promote good health from child birth, including:
• Nutritional therapy
• HypnoBirthing techniques
• Family health & nutrition
• Sports health & nutrition
You can enjoy a complete service, so would urge you to book an appointment to discuss your concerns and requirements. We can then pinpoint changes that you can realistically introduce at your own pace to improve your (and your familys) well-being and overall health.
Are you a mum or dad to be? Are you a birthing partner? Are you at all worried about your upcoming due date? I want to help you to take control of your birth, to have a calm and contented experience.
You are welcome to join my group Hypnobirthing classes or I am happy to offer individual classes for couples who prefer a completely personal experience.
Each class will be approximately 2 and a half hours together learning how to have a calm birth together. These will usually run over a period of weeks to allow you to practice the techniques demonstrated during the class in your own time at home.
The HypnoBirthing Childbirth method is as much a philosophy of birth as it is a technique for achieving a satisfying, relaxing, and stress-free method of birthing. HypnoBirthing teaches you, along with your birthing companion, the art and joy of experiencing birth in a more comfortable manner. You will learn to call upon your body’s own natural relaxant and thus lessen or eliminate discomfort and the need for medication. When a woman is properly prepared for childbirth and when mind and body are in harmony, nature is free to function in the same will-designed manner that it does with all other creatures.
You will be fascinated as you view HypnoBirthing films showing laboring mothers, awake, alert and in good humor as they experience the kind of gentle birth that you, too, can know when you are free of the Fear-Tension-Pain Syndrome.
HypnoBirthing teaches you to release all prior programming about birth, how to trust your body and work with it, as well as how to free yourself of harmful emotions that lead to pain-causing fear and unyielding muscles.
HypnoBirthing will teach you the art of using your own natural birthing instincts. With HypnoBirthing, you will be aware and fully in control, but profoundly relaxed.
- Teaches deep levels of relaxation to eliminate the fear that causes tension and, thus, pain
- Greatly reduces and often eliminates the need for chemical painkillers and drugs
- Shortens the first phase of labor
- Leaves mother alert, fresh, awake and with energy
- Helps keep oxygen supplied to baby during birthing
- Reduces the need for an episiotomy
- Reduces and often eliminates fatigue during labor
- Empowers parents with techniques to achieve a gentle, calm birth for themselves and their baby
- Gives the birthing companion an integral role in the birthing
- Embraces the concept of pre-birth parenting
- Teaches breathing techniques that allow a woman to gently breath her baby into the world without hard, physical pushing.
Classes are run on either a group or individual couples basis. Classes normally take place at my home in Larne .
They last for approximately 2 and a half hours and usually run over a period of weeks to allow for practice of techniques demonstrated during the class.
The classes are aimed at the mum to be and her birthing partner as the birthing partner has an essential role to play in the birthing of a new life .
Please email me on susan@birth2wellness.co.uk for more information . I am more than happy to assist in any way that I can.
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If you are curious about HypnoBirthing, please feel free to email me for more information or to book an appointment.