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Contact: Ann Donnelly
91 Strand Road, Londonderry/Derry, BT48 7NN
It is my greatest joy & privilege in life to work in both the medical and holistic health fields. I qualified as a doctor in 1992 from Queen's University Belfast. In 1996 I became a family doctor and currently I work in palliative medicine in both hospital & hospice settings.
In 2000 I qualified as a yoga teacher and a Reiki Master. I have studied with the British Medical Acupuncture Society & The London Homeopathic Hospital. I am a Neurolinguistic Programming Practitioner & I provide Emotional Freedom Therapy for my clients as well as a range of Energy Therapies which truly help clients develop insight into their highest potential. I have studied with the Modern Mystery School (School of Metaphysics & Advanced Spiritual Training) for 10 years. The training has been rigorous. We are so much more than this physical body and our comprehension of healing requires an understanding that goes beyond the physical body.
Full Life Activation
Full Spirit Activation
Emotional Cord Release
Jikiden Reiki
Ensofic Ray Healing
Crystal healing and readings (using sacred geometry)
Ra Protection Ritual
Isis Healing
Etheric Reconstruction (for deep seated issues that are difficult to shift)
Laying on of Hands
Shamanic Aura Clearing
Essential Oil Healing & four elements balancing (with oils from the Rosarium Alchemy Lab at the Modern Mystery School Toronto)
11th Codon Reading (provides information for the empowerment of spirit, soul & body)
Spark of Life (A powerful distance healing modality)
Meridian healings for specific relief of physical problems
Lazer Light Therapies using crystal & sound toning: these are particularly beneficial for aura, emotional body, skin, nervouis system & respiratory system.
I also teach the following classes to enable students to take care of themselves and heighten their personal abilites in life.
Empower Thyself (2day course & initiation into the Lineage of King Solomon. This provides tools of empowerment for use in everyday life enabling a higher perspective & greater productivity during all life's challenges)
Sacred Geometry (3 hours (Learn how to infuse the geometries of creation into your home & work place to support all living & workig there).
Astral Travel (3 hour class to promote increasing awareness of our vastness & capabilies beyond the physical. Sacred Geometry is recommended as a prerequisite)
Journeys of the Spirit (A full day of sequential meditations to take you on a unique journey of self discovery. Truly powerful and a joy to behold ones own beauty)
Stress reiief ( a day of understanding triggers, recognising symptoms & offering powerful tools to alleviate the effects of stress)
Passionate Living (A day of pure joy connecting to our greatest gifts in life... our senses and working to stretch these gifts and own the pure joy they bring)... for singles & couples
Lets talk about Chi baby! ( a 2 hour class on CHI, what it is, how to build it & how to strengthen our resilience)
Ultimate Health ( A 2 hour class looking at the essential ingredients for health and how a health plan can enable us to take charge to keep us on track for a long, healthy & happy life.
The above gives a brief overview of what is possible. Please feel free to contact me to discuss a personalised plan.
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