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Contact: Siobhan Murphy
26A Tallbridge Road, Ardress , Portadown, BT62 1SF
The Orchard Health & Wellbeing Garden Room in Ardress, is situated amongst the Orchards of County Armagh and offers a haven for tranquility, healing and calm, concentrating on relaxation and where treatments address the clients individual needs and specific health problems.
Treatments offered:
Reflexology is based on the principle that reflex points on the soles, tops, and side of the feet correspond to areas throughout the body. Its benefits are relief from stress, anxiety and tension, deep relaxation, improved mood and sleep and gives a general sense of health and wellbeing.
Reiki is a non-invasive complementary therapy which uses natural energy flow for health and wellbeing. Reiki is said to help rebalance the whole person in mind, body and spirit. Benefits may include feelings of deep relaxation, improved mood and sense of self and a general sense of health and wellbeing.
I am also a Reiki Teacher
Indian Head Massage
Indian Head Massage works specifically on the areas surrounding the head, scalp, face and neck, extending to the shoulders and upper back. Benefits include relief from stress, anxiety and tension, feelings of deep relaxation, improved mood, sleep and a general sense of health and wellbeing.
Swedish Body Massage
Swedish Body Massage involves working the soft tissue of the body, to ease day-to-day stresses and muscular tension, and promote relaxation. It helps to increase delivery of blood and oxygen to the treated areas and can also be used in support of other therapies to assist in the rehabilitation of muscular injuries.
Back Massage/Back of legs - 30 minute treatment Full Body Massage - 1 hour
Complementary Therapies for Cancer Patients (Trained at Belfast City Hospital)
These treatments can help some people cope with the symptoms, cancer treatments, aid relaxation, and reduce tension and anxiety in a supportive and peaceful environment. Treatments are based on an individuals needs.
Emmett Technique (Emm-Tech Easy Muscle Technique)
The EMMETT Technique is a gentle, safe and simple to apply muscle release therapy which I integrate with other modalities if requested during a treatment.
The EMMETT Technique is an understanding of the body’s response to light touch. It has been suggested that the body reacts in a similar way to the workings of a touch-screen. Small sensors allow access to the brain via the therapists’ touch. As well as the ability to directly influence muscle action, these points may have a memory and emotional attachment.
I am fully insured and am a member of FHT and The Beauty Guild and you are welcome to view my facebook page at The Orchard Health & Wellbeing
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