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Contact: Dorothy Kelly
1 Bracken Valley, Dromore, BT25 1TA
I have been qualified as a Naturopathic Consultant since 2002 and have developed and added to my therapies and experience since then.
I love Reflexology specialising in: Fertility Reflexology, Maternity Reflexology, Baby & Toddler Reflexology, Reflexology for Cancer clients, Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage; Indian head Massage, Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki, Homeopathic Mesotherapy, Bach Flower and Naturopathy.
I specialise in therapies to support all clients but particularly women through every aspect of their life cycle from:
Lots of clients with various conditions have been supported through a range of therapies either singularly or in conjunction with several therapies.
Many female clients have been supported on their fertility journey and there are those who have been supported to have a successful pregnancy following a schedule of Fertility Reflexology. This is an area that I am totally passionate about when supporting clients or when teaching reflexologists about this wonderful therapy.
From my first therapy of Naturopathy I trained in Reflexology and thereafter a range of modalities that allow me to create a plan which incorporates a variety of therapies to support clients depending on their needs.
Initial Consultation/Contact:
When you contact me we'll discuss how you feel, your concerns and the therapies I feel could help you or the therapy you particularly want if it’s suited to your condition.
During your session/s you can experience any of the therapies below depending on your condition:
If you have menstrual disorders or hormonal imbalances, I would be happy to discuss the steps we could take to ease your discomfort or regulate your hormones. There is a lot that can be done, especially using reflexology and other therapies such as naturopathy.
Longing for a baby...
I have created programmes of reflexology incorporating other modalities/therapies which are unique to each of my clients hoping to become pregnant. Each client will experience a programme of support which is specific to their needs and their menstrual cycle. Through this tailored approach, working hand in hand with the client, I aim to provide you with the best possible chance of conceiving.
I have a wealth of experience supporting clients through assisted cycles such as IUI, IVF, IVF PGD, FET and ICIS, which can be so emotionally and physically exhausting. I have a range of therapies that can help you to relax, ease discomfort or tension, help you feel more positive and work hand in hand with your treatment plan to support the efficacy of this. Sometimes the ability of clients to of load their worries and stresses are important to. I am privileged that clients see me as a listening and supportive ear. I allow clients the time and opportunity to talk through their concerns and leave feeling a weight has disappeared from their shoulders……leaving them feeling energised and refreshed…….
This is a time when a woman wants reassurance and support to help her through the biggest changes in her life. By helping mums to be feel prepared, supported and excited about what comes next is a honour and privilege for me.
Very often, its simple relaxation, the easing of aches and pains, through the use of Reflexology which helps the most. It’s the ability to leave clients feeling chilled and ready to face anything which matters the most. However, it’s the opportunity to support these mums to be, by incorporating visualisation or meditation as a means to relax and melt away any concerns and encouraging clients to bond further with their baby prior to arrival.
As woman reach this aspect of their lives emotional and hormonal imbalance can take control of day to day life making them feel tired and lacking the enthusiasm and energy to function properly. I can offer support through reflexology, other therapies and supplementation to help bring relief, aid sleep and support clients through this part of their lives
Sometimes it is just the fact that we can forget about day to day issues through reflexology support, aiding relaxation and removing the tension of the day or easing aches and pains that matter the most. I can support you with this using reflexology or by introducing other therapies such as EFT or Bach Flower remedies.
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