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Contact: Claire Ferry
4 The Mount, Belfast, BT5 4NA
We offer a calm space for yoga, meditation, pilates, tai chi and more just 10 minutes from Belfast Central Station. We have three studios for classes and workshops and a smaller treatment room. You can view all of our regular classes and learn about our workshops on our website, and we'll post our events here too. We host training (e.g. EMMETT Technique, Indian Head Massage, Seated Chair Massage, Emergency First Aid) with visting teachers. Please do contact us if you'd like to know more.
We have three beautiful studios suitable for yoga, one of which is on the ground floor and has wheelchair access. Upstairs is a small therapy room suitable for 1:1 complementary therapies or counselling. All rooms have access to a kitchen, office, public wifi and toilets. All rooms are available to hire to accredited and insured teachers. Please email us for prices, terms and conditions.
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